Saturday, April 23, 2016

Too long for an Update!

Hello friends, neighbors and space-persons!

So Yes! TOO long between updates! I shall attempt to remedy That in the future.
In the mean time, let the Updating commence!

I had the hearts tress test and I don't know how it went.
I was supposed to walk/jog/run for a minimum of 12 minutes.
I did 5 minutes. BOOO!
Had the follow-up with the cardiologist and he said
"you need to loose weight."
yeah tell me something I DON'T know!
Overall, the test was fine but they didn't detect anything bad.
He suggested I take baby aspirin and loose weight.
Much like what my primary physician has told me so if 2 out of 2 doctor's say
"loose weight" you know it's the right thing to do.
which I knew already.
Also, the pills for my indigestion have been working well. I do get pains
every so often but it's not as bad and I have been eating healthier so not too many.
I 'm told that I have lost weight although my perception is
 "not enough." So that's the health issue...

On the financial front, I got a GRIP of money back from my taxes
and I have used it to pay off the bills and debts that have been crushing me.
I have a few more to payments to make but they are mostly under control.
Also, I recently applied for a Full Time Shift Leader position for the Front End/
Customer Service department at the Berkshire Co-op Market (where I work)
and I got it!
It's more hours which will mean more money which will help pay
the bills and debts and the like.
Finally, I am in the process of moving from my Nice one bedroom apartment
into a bedroom in my folks house in Millerton, NY (Google that peoples!).
I really like the apartment but I just couldn't keep paying $700 a month
and Not being able to pay my bills. I have been making about $1000 a month
as a cashier at Berkshire Co-op Market.
And, unfortunately, the promotion to shift leader has come After I am moving out!
and I really don't know how much I'll be averaging a month so I figured
'just get out so they have a tenant who can pay rent regularly and you won't be
stressed!'. so out I got.
I will be paying rent or utilities plus groceries at my folks but I will be able to
pay off my bills and debts and then save money to move some place
where I can live on my own.
So that's the financial issue and the job issue...

I have been writing and I'm really Happy about it!
There is another writing contest due in the beginning of June so
I'm gonna submit something. Short story contest.
I hope that, by living at my folks house, I can finish the short stories I have
and maybe one of the novels and finally get Something published!
I will keep y'all's updated with that more often I hope.

That's that and that's all...oops!

That's All for Now, Space - Pals!
Remember: Life is Insane. You're Not!
(next update once I'm all moved in!)

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